
来源:同等学历申硕    发布时间:2012-07-02    同等学历申硕视频    评论

  • 第1页:口语交际练习题及答案一
  • 第2页:口语交际练习题及答案二
  • 第3页:口语交际练习题及答案三
  • 第4页:口语交际练习题及答案四
  • 第5页:口语交际练习题及答案五
  • 第6页:口语交际练习题及答案六
  • 第7页:口语交际练习题及答案七
  • 第8页:口语交际练习题及答案八
  • 第9页:口语交际练习题及答案九
  • 第10页:口语交际练习题及答案十
  1. A: That's the worst looking painting. I've ever seen.

  B: ____________

  A. Never mind. Let's continue to look at.

  B. Come on. It's not that bad.

  C. No, it is not the worst painting.

  D. Yes. It looks I keep worst.

  2. A: How long can I keep the book?

  B: ____________

  A. Yes. You can keep it.

  B. No. I'm afraid you should return it now.

  C. Three weeks. But you can renew it if you need it for a longer time.

  D. You can take it at any time you want.

  3. A: I don't know why we listen to George?

  B: ____________

  A. I don't know exactly why, either.

  B. I guess we are wrong this time.

  C. I know. But perhaps you don't know why.

  D. George, you know, is one of the hardest working students among us.

  4. A: Look at this pink watch. It looks great, doesn't it? And it's only $20.

  B: ____________

  A. It's only twenty dollars. God knows it.

  B. I don't want to look at it. After all, it's a watch.

  C. The price is good. But I want to buy a more expensive watch.

  D. How is it possible that a watch only cost us $20?

  5. A: Why are you studying English?

  B: ____________

  A. Because, you know, English is really important for Chinese students.

  B. God knows, everybody says they need to learn English.

  C. English is so beautiful a language. It's the first working language in the United Nations.

  D. I work at the front desk of a big hotel here. I need English badly for my job.

  参考答案:1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D




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