
来源:同等学历申硕    发布时间:2012-07-02    同等学历申硕视频    评论

  1. Jim knows little of mathematics, ____________ of chemistry.

  A) and still less B) as well as C) no less than D) and still more

  2. The man denied ____________ any thing at the supermarket when he was questioned by the police.

  A) to have stolen B ) to steal C ) having stolen D ) having been stealing

  3. Did he tell you what ____________ if he had a chance?

  A) was he going to do B) he would do C) be had done D) had to do

  4. The results were to ____________ yesterday, but we have heard nothing.

  A) reveal B) have revealed C) be revealed D) have been revealed

  5. Calculations, which are astronomically exact, have been made ____________ with the use of computers.

  A) possible B) it possible C) possibly D) to be possible


  1. A) less与little才是递进的关系。

  2. C) 在deny之后要用动名词。

  3. B) 在tell you的后面是一个宾语从句,而在这个宾语从句中用的是虚拟语气,看清这一点后,再看看if状语从句中的时态就能做出正确答案了。

  4. D) 首先,我们知道结果是要“被公布”的,所以动词部分必须用被动语态,去掉A)、B)。再由句子的意思判断,结果本来要被公布的,但是我们没有听到什么消息,隐指消息未被公布,所以这是个虚拟的。

  5. A) 这是一个固定句型。由make … possible变化而来。



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