
来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  C:I could go for that. But I'm afraid our budget is a little tight this year.

  T:oh, but I really need to leave this town for a change. Working day after day has worn me out. Do you have any other suggestions?

  C:we should probably think about going somewhere that isn't too far away. How about the countryside? There must be many interesting places, and we could enjoy the fresh air and the delicious local specialties.

  T:wonderful! I think that's a great idea. How soon until we can make this happen? I can't wait!

  C: tomorrow I have an appointment with my dentist. What about next Monday?

  T: perfect. I'll start preparing tomorrow. If we're going to drive, I'll need to fill up the tank.

  C: no need. I think it's still plenty full. Even so, I'd rather travel by bus or train. It would cost much less than driving. Oil prices are soaring nowadays, you know.

  T: we can take the train, that will be faster. I'll book the tickets tomorrow morning.

  C: great! Oh, one more thing, don't forget to check the weather before we go. I'd hate to get caught in the rain.

  T: no problem. I'm really looking forward to the coming week.

  C: Me, too. Now let's make a list for what we need to take with us.



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