
来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  L:what do you mean?

  J:I mean look at all these magnificent tall buildings around us.

  L:yes, look over there. That's the Empire State Building. My book says it's 102 stories tall.

  J:it's quite famous but don't you think it looks a bit old-fashioned?

  L:you're right, but when it was built in 1930 it was a marvel of technology and engineering.

  J:what other important buildings are we going to see on Fifth Avenue?

  L:quite a number. Actually every skyscraper has a history. A few blocks ahead we'll see St.Patrick's Cathrdral and just across the street will be the world-renowed Rockefeller Center. It's a landmark in the history of architecture.

  J:what's there after that?

  L:well then, there's a Central Park. Facing the park on Fifth Avenue is probably some of the most expensive properties in the world.

  J:what are all they for?

  L:most of them are office buildings, huge department stores, and hotels but some are just private homes. New York is one of the financial centers of the worls so there are lots of very expensive places.



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