
来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  J: to be honest, I was just dumped.

  M: oh, I'm sorry to hear that. You can go on a holiday to cheer up.

  J: no, thanks. I'm not in the mood for traveling.

  M: come on. A trip will do you good. Are you doing anything this weekend?

  J: I was planning on doing a lot of wallowing.

  M: well, my friends and I are planning on going to Shangri-La on Saturday. Do you want to come with us?

  J: where is that?

  M: not very far from here. We'll fly. It's about one and a half hours.

  J: what's there to see?

  M: there is a large canyon, vast grasslands, ancient forests and mountain lakes.

  J: oh, sounds nice.

  M: yes, the scenery there is breathtaking. I have some pitcures at home. You can come over and take a look if you like.

  J: ok. Then I can make up my mind.



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