
来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  S: why? Did tom pop the question?

  N: not yet. But I wonder if I can get my parents’ consent.

  S: let me guess, your parents want you to marry a Chinese man, right?

  N: you are right. It is giving me a real headache. I feel like I’m between a rock and a hard place.

  S: I used to have the same problem when I was with my ex.

  N: oh, how did you deal with it?

  S: I just let it go and continued dating with my Korean boyfriend. But finally we broke up.

  N: oh, it’s a pity. What was the matter?

  S: simple. We had personality clashes and there were too many cultural differences.

  N: like what?

  S: he hoped to live in the Korean way and asked me to give up working and stay at home to take care of the family.

  N: Oh, I see. In their culture women should put family first.

  S: yes, he said it would be batter for me and for the whole family. But I simply can not quit working.

  N: so that's why it’s hard to have a happy marriage with a foreigner.

  S: not really. There are many successful mixed marriage around us.



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