
来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  D: everything's great. And you?

  M: same here. Have you seen any new films recently?

  D: no, I haven't had a chance to. But I've been watching a Chinese TV series called "Chinese-Style Divorce."

  M: oh, really? I saw it two years ago. It's worth seeing and it's thought-provoking.

  D: yeah. I found it is so close to our life.

  M: it reflects some of our difficulties in this ever-changing world.

  D: you said it. You know, the divorce rate has been on the rise in recent years.

  M: well, it's said that a lot of young people favor getting married quickly which tend end quickly too.

  D: I know a couple who divorced a week after getting married.

  M: oh, that's too short-lived.

  D: that's true. It's said the short-lived marriage is typical of the "post-80s" generation.

  M: I can't agree more. The "only-child" generation in China tends to know little about marriage.

  D: definitely. They don't take relationships and marriages very seriously.

  M: in their mind, love is nothing but passion and marriage is over once the passion is gone.

  D: I think, as the saying goes "haste makes waste", it is the same thing with marriage.



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