
来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  K: sure I am. I've been writing a blog for almost three years.

  J: oh, it seems that I'm the only one who never blogs. When did you get started?

  K: I began blogging when I first went to the US for my graduate stuides.

  J: what do you usually write about?

  K: at first, I'll write about my life there. Like interesting things on the campus, travel stories, special English words that I come across. Sometimes, I'll post my pictures on my blog so my family and friends can get to know how everything's going.

  J: that's interesting. How often do you write a blog?

  K: it's random. If there happen to be a lot of things going on, I may add several new entries in a week, and if I've got nothing to share, I may leave my blog untouched for weeks.

  J: got it. Are you still updating your blog?

  K: sure, since I came back from the US, I've been keeping the habit of blogging, simply to share my personal insights on any topic I like.

  J: good for you. I know many people just leave their blogs alone after the first few months.



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