
来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  J: I've lost all my files from the computer. It's a total disaster.

  C: How did that happen?

  J: three days ago, my laptop went on strike. I couldn't enter the Windows system. As I was about to give it up, one of my friends advised me to start Windows in the safe mode.

  C: was it helpful?

  W: yeah, I could barely get it started using the safe mode, but when the computer was connected to the internet, its hard disk roared a harsh rasping sound. After a while, it crashed into a coma.

  C: what a pity!

  W: yeah, I can buy a new computer, but the digital data can never be restored. My digital photos vanish forever. Audio recordings of Grandpa are slienced forever.

  C: that's such a big loss.

  J: perhaps I should be blamed for simply taking it for granted that the digital will always be in safe hands. I've neglected the potential risk of losing it.

  C: don't blame yourself. We all make the same mistake. The digital information we all rely on is actually very fragile.



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