
来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  J: an mp4 player? why don't you buy a new cell phone? You can find an mp4 player inside any of the latest cell phones.

  C: Oh, that's a good idea. Perhaps I should have a try.

  J: look at my cell phone. I can lsiten to music, watch movies, take pictures, play games, surf the web and download decuments. It's just like a PDA.

  C: that's cool. I can use the computer and the internet pretty well, but I'm a little bit slow in the latest trends of digital products.

  J: that's Ok. you know, digital devices are becoming smaller and easier to carry, and they won't cost you too much.

  C: yeah, if I buy a cell phone like this, I don't have to take a music player everywhere I go, and I can save the cost of buying an extra mp4.

  J: that's right. what's the flash memory of your old mp3?

  G: 256MB.

  J: then any cell phone can meet your need because they generally have memories of over 512MB



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