时尚口语:Waking up and staying up

来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  Some people find going to sleep challege.But many people find getting up and staying a little and wake a big challege.I’m not a naturally moring person.However years of Training make me get up early possible.But I can’t sleep in,it’s impossible.I have a three lumds just in case I am attend to get a little more sight Of course,it’s also hard for me to sleep in duringthe moring Because my children,when they wake up,to get ready for school.They often make so much noise that eaten possible for me to get more sleep.i wants I ‘m up.I don’t feel I ‘m a wake.i maen my body is moving aroud but my brain doesn’t seem to be working yet ,it’s like my brain still asleep and I’m just going throught the motionsSome people hate this time before they acturally get out bed.Many people Try to Get some coffee into their system as they can.some people turn on the televsion or Radio somepeople exicsie ,some people must take a shine in the moring or they don’t feel awake.

  Talk about it

  What kinds of things do you do when you wake up in the moring.

  What about in the middle of a day, perhaps have a lunch,do you dose off?

  What do you do to stay a learn

  What about, when you driving a long distance,do you look down the windows or sing songs

  What comes to wak you up for a fighting a tea,what you

  Are you a heavy or a light sleeper.

  How long do you take to wake up in the moring.

  Are you a moring person or a night person.

  Do you ever take a naps a day

  How long is too long for a naugh?



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