时尚口语:Thank you ... More Magic

来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  Magic words,There are so many of them.Let's talk about another magic word in English.

  If someone does something for you,it's considered polite to thank him.A simple "Thank you " or "Thanks" goes a long way(1).In the business world,a word of gratitude from your boss,manager,or even co-worker,means a lot.It means that you care...that you appreciate the person's work.

  I think it's easy to take the people close to us for granted.It's easy to think, "I work in the office,and my wife works at home.She SHOULD make me dinner." But after dinner,do you say, "Thanks you"? Sometimes I forget.Sometimes I forget to tell my kids,"Thanks for being so good today."Sometimes I forget to tell the bus driver or the person who collects my toll,(2) "Thank you!Have a nice day."


  Thank you.

  Thanks a lot.

  Thanks a million.(3)

  I really appreciate it.

  I'm totally grateful for what you've done.

  There are many ways to say it.


  1 Have you ever regretted not using the words "Thank you"?

  2 When do you feel it isn't necessary to thank someone?

  3 When does "Thank you" seem awkward?

  4 Do you say, "Thank you," a lot?

  5 What do you think of people who don't say, "Thank you"?

  6 How do you feel when someone forgets to thank you?

  7 Is it possible to thank someone too much?

  8 What is an alternative method of expressing your gratitude without actually saying, "Thank you"?

  9 Have you ever sent someone a thank you card or not? If yes,what were you thankful for?

  (1).go a long way:to help very much;to be very helpful

  (2).the person who collects one's toll : a person who works at a tollbooth and collects money

  (3).Thanks a million. Thank you very much.



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