
来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

 1. We think your offer is too high, which is difficult for us to accept.


    2. Our offer is reasonable and realistic. It comes in line with the prevailing market.


    3. If you insist on your price and refuse to make any concession, there will be not much point in further discussion.


    4. Let's have your counteroffer.


    5. We make a counter-offer to you of $150 per metric ton F.O.B. London.


    6. Your counteroffer is too low and we can't accept it.


    7. It's absolutely out of the question for us to reduce our price to your level.


    8. We can't accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%.


    9. I'm afraid I don't find your price competitive at all.


    10. Still, I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price.


    11. I'll respond to your counter-offer by reducing our price by three dollars.


    12. If the price is higher than that, we'd rather call the whole deal off.




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