
来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  Narrator: 上周Anna 得到了Tip Top 贸易公司的销售专员职位。这还得归功于Anna 面对紧急情况头脑清楚,反应快,处理问题得当。今天是她上班的第一天。How are you feeling now, Anna?
  Anna: Excited, but a bit worried. I really want to make a good first impression.
  Narrator: 没事儿,我教你几句和别人初次见面时常用的一些表达,比如:你好,我们好像以前没见过面。Hello, I don’t think we’ve met.你一定是Tom. You must be Tom.我刚加入公司。I’ve just joined the team.很高兴认识你。Nice to meet you.你在这儿工作有一些年头了吧?Have you worked here long?你看公司的销售经理Tom Darcy 就在那边,你快去打个招呼吧。
  Tom: (On the phone) Yah, no, yah, yah, yah, OK. I’ll seal the deal, yah, no worries. Yah, alright, see ya mate, bye. (Hangs up)
  Anna: Hello, I don’t think we’ve met.
  Tom: No.
  Anna: You must be Tom. I’m Anna. I’ve just joined the team.
  Tom: Uh huh.
  Anna: Nice to meet you. Have you worked here long?
  Tom: Sorry, I’m quite busy right now – I’ve got a big deal just coming through. But let’s get together sometime. Um... can you do lunch tomorrow?
  Anna: You want me to do lunch? Well, I’m not very –
  (Telephone rings)
  Tom: Sorry, important client. Lunch tomorrow at 12.30 then?
  (On the phone) Tom speaking. Yah! Frankie! So what’s the latest, are we on?
  Anna: Well, OK then.
  Narrator: 真棒!Anna, 你用了些挺好的表达来介绍你自己。遗憾的是Tom 好像对你有点儿爱搭不理的。
  Anna: I’m sure he’s just busy. But I’m a bit worried about tomorrow!
  (The next day…)
  Anna: (Struggling into the office carrying cooking implements) Good morning Paul!
  Paul: Good morning Anna, are you OK?
  Anna: Fine, the kitchen’s through there, isn’t it?
  Paul: Er, yes.
  (Kitchen noises as Anna starts preparing lunch)
  Denise: Anna!
  Anna: Oh hi, Denise!
  Denise: What are you doing?
  Anna: Cooking lunch for Tom.
  Denise: You what?
  Anna: Tom asked me to have lunch ready for 12.30.
  Denise: Did he indeed?
  Tom: Er, Anna.
  Anna: Hi Tom!
  Tom: What are you doing?
  Anna: Spring rolls, followed by crispy duck in black bean sauce.
  Tom: No, I mean, why are you cooking?
  Anna: Well, if I don’t start now, it won’t be ready for you by 12.30.
  Tom: Oh, you misunderstood me, Anna. When I said "Can you do lunch?" it didn’t mean "Can you make lunch?" It meant "Are you available to come to lunch with me?" In a cafe or something.
  Anna: Oh!
  Paul: Mmm... something smells good, but what’s going on here?
  Denise: Anna thinks it’s her job to cook for people!
  Anna: No, no, I misunderstood!
  Tom: Anna just got a bit confused.
  Paul: Well, never mind, it looks tasty.
  Anna: There’s enough for everyone if you want some.
  Paul: I think that’s a splendid idea, we can have an office picnic!
  Anna: Yes!
  Paul: Mmm, that sauce looks delicious.
  Anna: Yes, it’s my favourite.
  Narrator: 看来Anna 今天这个头儿还开的不错。让我们一起回顾一下她刚才用到的一些表达:
  Hello, I don’t think we’ve met.
  You must be Tom.
  I’ve just joined the team.
  Nice to meet you.
  Have you worked here long?
  Narrator: 记住如果有人对你说"Would you like to do lunch?" 意思可不是说让你给他们做午餐。这句话的实际意思是我们一起吃个午饭吧。




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