
来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论


  一段“猴子戏弄法师”的视频让延参法师红遍全国。在这个浮华的时代,延参法师以豁达的心态、幽默的谈吐不断向世人传播正能量(positive energy)。

  Most of us would hardly relate the word “cute” to the image of a Buddhist monk. But Yancan has the guts to tell people that he is just that. The name of his new book This Monk Is a Bit Cute gives you some idea.

  Yancan, the abbot of Panlong Temple in Handan, Hebei, first rose to online prominence in late June, when a video of him being harassed by monkeys near E’Mei Mountain was uploaded to the Internet. He drew a large following on his Sina Weibo, with his posts being forwarded thousands of times.

  For over 20 years, the Zen monk has passed on his knowledge through sermons and lectures. But the power of the Internet has given Yancan a new means through which to spread his wisdom.

  “I’ve published four books before, but I found that today’s young people are not interested in reading the great truth. They like to learn and read in a fast and simple way,” Yancan said during his book tour in Shenzhen on Nov 3.

  “So I thought, why don’t I write something that can be finished in, like, 30 minutes and make people happy and learn at the same time?”

  The book, which is a record of interesting conversations Yancan had with his young disciples, is very much like the posts on his Sina Weibo account–humorous, light-hearted and often reflecting a Buddhist interpretation of common life issues, ranging from the pains of growing up, to dealing with the national college entrance exams.

  “Life inspires me, and then I write what comes to my mind,” the monk said.

  While Yancan’s positive approach and humorous demeanor have charmed the public, he has also been criticized. Among the complaints is the notion that Buddhist monks should not be heavily involved in the secular world.

  “I only hope to shore up positive energy on the Web, where people vent too much anger and frustration,” Yancan said. “Isn’t it a good thing? Everybody laughs and no one gets hurt.”

  “I am duty-bound to propagate Buddhism. I don’t reject the Internet or TV, because the new age needs us to change.”

  Yancan also encourages people to change their view of Buddism, because “cuteness is part of the Buddhist culture”.

  “Buddhism advocates a life attitude that’s optimistic, philosophic and cute,” Yancan said. “Monks provide the spiritual support for people, so we must have a cute spirit ourselves.”



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