
来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  Seminal American author Philip Roth, whose novels explored modern Jewish-American life, has told a French magazine that he will write no more books because he has lost his passion for it.


  The author of such novels as American Pastoral, for which he won a Pulitzer Prize, and Portnoy's Complaint slipped his retirement announcement into an interview last month with French magazine Les Inrocks.

  菲利普·罗斯在上月接受法国杂志《Les Inrocks》的采访时宣布他封笔的消息。他的代表作有《波特诺的怨诉》,小说《美国牧歌》曾获普利策小说奖。

  "To tell you the truth, I'm done," Roth was quoted as telling Les Inrocks. "Nemesis will be my last book," he said of his 2010 short novel set against a fictional polio epidemic in Newark, New Jersey, in 1944.

  “和你说实话吧,我的写作灵感已经枯竭了。”罗斯对《Les Inrocks》杂志说“《涅墨西斯》(Nemesis)将是我创作的最后一本书。”这部2010年出版的短篇小说是以虚构的1944年新泽西纽瓦克市脊髓灰质炎爆发为背景所写的。

  Roth, 79, one of the world's most revered novelists and a frequent contender for the Nobel Prize for Literature, said he had not written for three years.


  The novella Goodbye, Columbus catapulted Roth onto the American literary scene in 1959 with its satirical depiction of class and religion in American life. Published along with five other short stories, it won the National Book Award in 1960. He won it again in 1995 for Sabbath's Theater.

  菲利普·罗斯1959年发表的中篇小说《再见,哥伦布》以讽刺的手法描写了美国社会中的阶级和宗教问题,书中还另外收录了五个短篇小说。小说一经发表,罗斯便迅速走红美国文坛。凭借此书,罗斯于1960年美国国家图书奖。1995年,凭借《Sabbath's Theater》一书再次获得该奖项。



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