
来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  Yingluck Shinawatra is to become Thailand’s first female prime minister after the main opposition party swept to victory in the country’s hotly contested elections.
   英拉·西那瓦(Yingluck Shinawatra)即将成为泰国历史上首位女总理。此前,泰国主要反对党在该国竞争激烈的选举中获胜。
  The vote represents a clear rejection of Thailand’s conservative establishment five years after Ms Yingluck’s brother and former prime minister, Thaksin, was toppled in an army coup.
  With more than 85 per cent of the vote counted, Puea Thai was projected to win 262 of the 500 seats in the lower house of parliament, a comfortable lead over the incumbent, Mr Abhisit Vejjajiva’s Democrats, who look to have won only 160 seats.
  在逾85%选票清点完成之际,根据预测,为泰党(Puea Thai)将赢得泰国国会下议院500个席位中的262席,显著领先于原执政党、阿披实·维乍集瓦(Abhisit Vejjajiva)领导的泰国民主党,该党预计将只能赢得160个席位。
  “It is now clear from the election results so far that the Puea Thai Party has won the election, and the Democrat Party concedes defeat. I would like to congratulate the Puea Thai Party for the right to form a government,” Mr Abhisit, the outgoing prime minister, said in a televised statement on Sunday night.
  An ecstatic crowd gathered at Puea Thai headquarters, chanting “Prime Minister Yingluck, Prime Minister Yingluck”, cheering as the results came through.
  Ms Yingluck made a brief appearance in front of the press, thanking her supporters for their votes and striking a conciliatory tone. “My deep appreciation is also due to all political parties that have participated in the campaign in a very creative way. This serves as a signal towards our collective journey on the path towards genuine reconciliation of all the Thai people,” she said.
  This campaign was Ms Yingluck’s first run at political office. Until two months ago, she was a low-key businesswoman, but her team put together a slick and energetic campaign backed by populist policies.
  But her biggest electoral advantage is genetic: her brother remains a hero to many poor Thais, who regard him as an ally against a powerful establishment they believe is intent on maintaining an unequal status quo.



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