双语趣闻:英国女性痴迷魔鬼身材 宁愿少活一年

来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  Disturbing: New research has revealed that one in three women would give up a year of their life to have the perfect body Millions of women are so unhappy with their weight that they would trade at least a year of their life for the perfect body, disturbing research suggests. A survey of female students aged 18 to 65 at British universities found that almost one in three would be willing to die younger in exchange for the ‘ideal’ figure of the likes of model Kelly Brook or actress Scarlett Johansson.
  在这个“越瘦越美丽”的时代,诸多在T台上“瘦骨嶙峋”的模特们已经成为万千少女们梦想中的时尚代名词与立志要成为的典范。新研究显示,女人们对身材的要求越来越疯狂,有30%的女人宁肯放弃1年的生命,来换来自己梦寐以求的体型。据悉,这一项调查针英国在年龄层(18岁到65岁)从青春少女到老年妇女做研究,专家发现,有3分之1的女人愿意用1年的生命来换取自己理想中的完美体型,少活一年能得到有小玛丽莲·梦露之称的斯嘉丽·约翰逊或者模特Kelly Brook 的身材也是相当不赖的!
  Disturbing: New research has revealed that one in three women would give up a year of their life to have the perfect body Millions of women are so unhappy with their weight that they would trade at least a year of their life for the perfect body, disturbing research suggests. A survey of female students aged 18 to 65 at British universities found that almost one in three would be willing to die younger in exchange for the ‘ideal’ figure of the likes of model Kelly Brook or actress Scarlett Johansson.

  在这个“越瘦越美丽”的时代,诸多在T台上“瘦骨嶙峋”的模特们已经成为万千少女们梦想中的时尚代名词与立志要成为的典范。新研究显示,女人们对身材的要求越来越疯狂,有30%的女人宁肯放弃1年的生命,来换来自己梦寐以求的体型。据悉,这一项调查针英国在年龄层(18岁到65岁)从青春少女到老年妇女做研究,专家发现,有3分之1的女人愿意用1年的生命来换取自己理想中的完美体型,少活一年能得到有小玛丽莲·梦露之称的斯嘉丽·约翰逊或者模特Kelly Brook 的身材也是相当不赖的!

  欧洲跳水神童入驻微博 借助翻译器发消息闹笑话



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