叶诗文遭遇兴奋剂质疑 正面回应表清白

来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

叶诗文遭遇兴奋剂质疑 正面回应表清白

  A diplomatic storm was brewing last night over Olympic swimming sensation Ye Shiwen.
  The Chinese 16-year-old was forced to deny using drugs after a respected US coach called her gold medal-winning performance ‘unbelievable’.
  But her defiant pledge that the world record-breaking swim on Saturday – which saw her outpace the winner of the men’s event – came purely from ‘hard work and training’ failed to defuse a doping controversy gripping London 2012.
  John Leonard, the US executive director of the World Swimming Coaches Association, described Saturday’s swim by ‘Supergirl’ Miss Ye – who last night broke the Olympic record in another event – as ‘unbelievable’ and ‘disturbing’.
  He also made the extraordinary suggestion that the Chinese could be using genetic manipulation to enhance performances.
  His claims came as anti-doping officials revealed that cleaners and security staff have been asked to spy on athletes in the Olympic Village and report anything suspicious that could be linked to performance-enhancing drugs.But Mr Leonard compared the final 100m swum by Miss Ye as being ‘reminiscent’ of some old East German swimmers, several of whom were subsequently exposed for using performance-enhancing drugs.
  Pressed on the use of drugs she told the China News Service last night: ‘There is absolutely no problem with doping. The Chinese have always had a firm policy about doping. My results come from hard work and training and I would never use any banned drugs. The Chinese people have clean hands.’
  As a gold medal winner, Miss Ye will have been automatically drug-tested. The first four in each race are routinely tested.



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