旅游香港:钱包的地狱 购物的天堂

来源:实用英语    发布时间:2013-01-08    实用英语辅导视频    评论

  Hong Kong is a true shopper’s paradise. From glistening mall like the Pacific Place and Harbour City to street markets like the lady’s market and temple street. Now, we’re in the middle of Causeway Bay, which is one of the major shopping districts in Hong Kong.
  It includes Times Square, and the thirteen story Japanese department store, SOGO. There are also smaller malls such as World Trade Center, Windsor House, Fashion Island, Fashion Walk, Lee Gardens, and Lee Gardens II.
  And many shops open well up to midnight. Just gives me enough time to get a new dress and a matching pair of shoes. Now let’s check out some of Hong Kong’s best shopping.
  On the island’s side, Hong Kong central district, houses many shimmering skyscrapers and marble shopping atriums and malls. But it does not get much glitzier than Pacific Place. Located in the admiralty, it’s more reminiscent of a hotel than a shopping mall.
  Universal AV Centre is located in Pacific Place and Landmark. And their Miramar shop will be opening in the Spring of 2011. You can find the latest of electronic gadgets and home entertainment products there and you can also gain professional advice from them. They also provide delivery service anywhere in the world.
  Universal AV Center, a place you definitely want to check out in Hong Kong. The Landmark atrium located in central, is home to flagship boutiques, having one of the highest concentrations of world leading fashion, jewelry, and lifestyle names as well as dining outlets.
  #王伟臣# 香港成为购物天堂的原因,不仅仅是硬件的实力,价格就是优惠,软件同样也是让人感到满意!
  #大旗财经# 海港城是香港最大的购物商场。这里不仅世界名牌荟萃,而且能将维多利亚的海湾美景尽收眼底。
  #王艳平# 香港是购物天堂,如果你身上的港币不足是很可惜的。
  #流泪的四月# 香港,车水马龙中我感受着一个高度文明社会的人文氛围。这里,没有汽油味和烟尘,没有刺耳的汽车鸣笛声,而宁静之中又暗藏惊魂和无限商机。



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