2015年考研实用资料 英语必背范文20篇(18)


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【推荐】没有考不上的研究生 新东方助您考上985

题材——职业道德类 Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) state your point of view.


A first glance at this cartoon tells us that a matchmaker is attempting to create a crush between a man and a woman. But the veil on the head of the bride-to-be covers the fact that she is old and ugly, quite opposite to what the matchmaker is advertising. The picture further points out that the matchmaker symbolizes false advertisements and the woman low-quality products.

The cartoon subtly reveals a phenomenon frequently happening in our society—the false commercial advertising and promotion. Their emergence firstly owes to the negative effect of a growing market economy which emphasizes competition. Economic loser fail to learn the lesson in retrospect, and dedicate themselves to cheating customers instead of improving the quality of products and services. False advertisement, seems to be most convenient to attract clients and increase profit in the short run.

However, false advertising can greatly endanger individuals and the whole society. In the long run businesses may damage their own images by fake propaganda, which hurts consumer confidence. As the Chinese saying goes,“those who play fire are bound to get burned”, it is only by genuine advertisement and qualified products that an

enterprise can prosper.





matchmaker: n. 媒人,媒婆

crush: n. 好感

false: adj. 虚假的

retrospect: n. 回顾

in the short run: 短期内

in the long run: 长期内

negligible: adj. 可以忽略的,不予重视的

endanger: v. 危及

in a word: 总的来说

genuine: adj. 真实的


A first glance at this cartoon tells us that… The picture further points out that…

The cartoon subtly reveals a phenomenon frequently happening in our society—

Its emergence firstly owes to

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