2015年考研实用资料 英语必背范文20篇(13)


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题材——人生价值类 2004 年真题 Directions:

Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:

1)describe the drawing

2)interpret its meaning, and

3)support your view with examples.

You should write about 200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.


The picture presents a young runner who just finishes a long run and arrives at the finish line, sweating and smiling. While he stand at the end, a sign stating beginning lies not far away from his position, indicating that an end means a new beginning.

It is true that when a runner reaches the end of one race, he needs to realize that his immediate task is how to achieve the next goal, instead of indulging the past glory and accomplishment. The identical truth applies to every individual, organization, and nation, that setting new goals continuously is the source of advancement. The deaf and mute American girl Helen Keller is a typical example of our case, as she had spent her whole life

struggling and striving for one goal after another. It is not surprising that she finally turned out to be an excellent writer. Equally, businesses and industries should keep setting new tasks in order to preserve their competitiveness.

Microsoft, for instance, never ceases creating new products the company launched Vista, Office 2007 and Exchange Server recently though it is already being such a huge conglomerate. In short, it is non-stop efforts that lead to progress.



确实,当一个运动员跑到终点的时候,他必须马上意识到他的下一个任务是达到新的目标,而不是沉湎于过去的荣耀和成就。同样的道理也适用于每一个个人、组织、以及国家,即不断地设立新的目标才能不断地前进。聋哑的美国女孩海伦。凯勒是这方面的一个典型例子,因为她一生都在为一个接一个的目标而努力和奋斗。因此,她最后变成了一个优秀的作家并不令人惊讶。同样的,工商界如果想要保持它们的竞争力,就要不断地为自己设立新任务。例如,微软公司作为如此大型的一个集团,也从来没有停止创造新产品的脚步,该公司在最近发布了 Vista,Office2007 和 Exchange Server 三大产品。总的来说,永不停止的努力才



achieve: v. 达到,完成

glory: n. 荣耀,光荣

accomplishment: n. 成就

identical: adj. 同一的,同样的

advancement: n. 前进,进步

turn out to be: 变成

conglomerate: n. 大集团

launch: v. 发行,投放市场

non-stop: adj. 不停的


The picture presents…

It is true that…

…is a typical example of our case

… it is not surprising that…

… Equally…

In short…



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