

  7. His long service with the company was ____ with a present.

  A. admitted B. acknowledge C. attributed D. identified


  acknowledge 承认,告知,感谢



  admit 承认

  commit 委托,犯(错误)

  commit a blunder (crime) 犯错误(罪)

  commit suicide 自杀

  omit 忽略,省略

  mission 任务

  commission 委托,委任,佣金,回扣

  MIT 麻省理工学院

  arithmetic 数学,算术

  emit 发射

  transmit (文化,疾病)传播,(广播,电视节目)传送

  hermit 隐士



  attribute (to) 归因于,归咎于

  contribute (to) 贡献,对...起作用

  retribution 回报

  tribute 贡品



  identify 辨认,识别

  identity 身份

  UFO Unidentified Flying Object飞碟,不明飞行物


  8. Ms Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be _______with everyone who comes to the store.

  A. balked B. admitted C. admired D. acquainted


  balk 拒绝,阻止

  protest 抗议

  contest 校际或校内之间的比赛

  context 上下文,事情的来龙去脉

  pretext 借口

  texture 质地,结构



  admit 承认

  admission 承认,允许进入

  admission office 入学办公室

  commit 犯(错误)

  commit a blunder 犯错误

  commit a crime 犯罪

  commission 委任,委托,佣金,回扣

  emit 放射,发射

  emission 放射,发射

  submit 屈服,服从

  submission 屈服,服从

  submarine 潜水艇

  transmit (疾病,文化,电视)传播

  transmission (疾病,文化,电视)传播



  admire 赞美,羡慕,钦佩

  mirage 海市蜃楼

  peer 因为有困难而努力的看



  acquaint 熟悉的

  quaint 稀奇的,古怪的

  be acquainted with 熟悉

  naive 天真的

  chaos 混乱的,吵闹的

  patent 专利

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