


    nail n.指甲, 钉, 钉子
    vt.钉, 将...钉牢
    He hammered a nail into the wall and hung a picture on it.

    nap n.(白天)小睡, 打盹
    to have a nap 打个盹
    (drowse n.困,瞌睡 v.使瞌睡)

    nasty adj.污秽的, 肮脏的, 淫秽的, 下流的
    a nasty story
    a nasty room
    (neat adj整齐的;整洁的)
    (filthy adj.不洁的, 污秽的, 丑恶的
    foul [faul] adj.邪恶的, 肮脏的n./v犯规
    messy [`mesi] adj.肮脏的, 凌乱的
    indecent adj.下流的, 猥亵的)

    necessity n.必需,急需;(pl.)必需品

    needle n.针
    needle in a haystack

    negative n.否定, 负数, 底片
    adj.否定的, 消极的, 负的, 阴性的
    vt.否定, 拒绝(接受)
    a negative vote 反对票
    negative attitude 消极的态度
    (positive adj.肯定的, 积极的, 正的
    passive adj.被动的, 消极的)

    neglect vt.忽视, 疏忽, 漏做
    n.忽视, 疏忽, 漏做
    If you neglect this property, it will depreciate.
    Don´t neglect to lock the door. 别忘了锁门。

    negotiation n.谈判

    nepotism n. 任人唯亲, 裙带关系

    net n.网

    nevertheless conj.然而, 不过
    adv.仍然, 不过, 尽管如此
    She was very tired, nevertheless she kept on working. 她虽然很疲倦,可仍在继续工作。
    He´s stupid, but I like him nevertheless. 
    (whereas conj.然而, 鉴于, 尽管 但是
    Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it.

    niece [ni:s] n.侄女, 甥女
    nephew [`nefju:] n.侄子, 外甥

    nonsense n.胡说, 废话
    She told me that the moon was made of cheese. What nonsense!

    notary n. 公证人,公证员

    note n.笔记;便条;注释;钞票;票据;通知书
    I didn´t take any notes. 我没有记一点笔记。
    Please note that this bill must be paid within 10 days.
    The newspaper does not note what happened next. 这家报纸没有说明随后发生的事情。

    noticeable adj.显而易见的, 值得注意的
    The hole in your trousers is not noticeable.
    (obvious adj.明显的, 显而易见的)

    novel adj.新奇的, 新颖的, 异常的
    同义辩析:novel fiction romance story
    novel 指“有情节、有人物、有动作、有对话的长篇故事”, 如:
    the novels of Dickens狄更斯的小说。
    fiction 是小说总称, 特指“虚构的、杜撰的故事”, 如:
    We want facts, not fictions.
    我们需要事实, 不要杜撰的故事。
    romance 指“爱情故事”、“传奇小说”, 如:

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