


    physician n.医师, 内科医师
    physicist n.物理学者, 唯物论者

    piecework n.计件工作

    pill n.药丸

    pistol n.手枪

    pit n.深坑, 煤矿

    pitch n. 沥青
    vt.投, 掷,
    Touch pitch, and you will be defiled.(=You can´t touch pitch without being defiled.)
    近朱者赤, 近墨者黑。(defile v.染污)

    plot n.小块土地, 阴谋, (小说的)情节.结构
    vt.划分, 绘图, 密谋
    The film had an exciting plot.
    A plot was hatched with secrecy.
    They are plotting to rob a bank.

    plural adj.复数的

    pool n.水塘;水池,游泳池
    The three boys pooled their savings for a year to buy a boat.这三个孩子把他们一年的积蓄合在一起买了一条小船。

    porter n.守门人, 门房, 行李搬运工

    possession n.拥有,占有;(pl.)所有物

    posting n.过帐, 记帐;登帐

    pot n.罐, 壶
    She made a pot of coffee. 她煮了一壶咖啡。

    poultry n.家禽
    (beast n 走兽)

    power n.力量,能力;权力,势力;政权;动力,电力,功率;幂

    premier adj.第一的, 首要的
    Premier of the State Council 国务院总理
    take the premier place 占第一位, 占首席

    premium n. 奖金, 赢利;保险费;溢价
    premium on the price 交易所贴水
    premium pay 加班工资, 假日工资
    premium system 奖金制度 
    He paid premiums on his life insurance last year. 他去年付了人寿保险费。

    prepackaged n.预先包装好的商品

    prepay v.预付

    press n. 出版业;出版社(前面与the连用)新闻界,报界;报刊上的评论
    freedom of the press 新闻自由
    The power of the press is very great.
    The press have / has been invited to a press conference to hear the government´s statement on the event.新闻记者已应邀参加新闻发布会,听取政府关于这一事件的声明。

    prestige n.信誉,威望,声望
    international prestige
    The old universities of Oxford and Cambridge still have a lot of prestige.历史悠久的牛津大学和剑桥大学仍然享有很高的声望。

    price n.价格,价钱;代价

    priest n.牧师, 教士 (女性为: priestess)

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