


    quarter n.四分之一, [常 pl.] 方向, 地区, 方面, 季, 季度, 一刻钟; 住处
    There were four of us, so we divided the orange into quarters and each ate a piece.
    The soldiers´ quarters are in that building over there. 士兵的营房在那边的楼里。

    quality n.素质;质量;特性

    quantity n.量,数量;大量

    queue n.行列, 长队, 队列
    vi.排队, 排队等待
    We queued for the bus.

    quota n.定额,配额 
    Each has his quota of work for the day.

    quote vt.引用, 引证, 提供, 提出, 报(价)
    The author frequently quoted Shakespeare.
    This is the best price I can quote you.


    radius n.半径, 范围
    They searched within a radius of one mile from the school.

    rag n.抹布, 碎屑

    rally n/v.价格止跌;回升 n.集会

    ransom n 赎金
    vt 赎回,赎出
    The rich man was asked to pay a high ransom for his daughter who was taken away by criminals. 要求这位富人为被罪犯绑架走的女儿付一大笔赎金。

    ratal /`rei~ /n.纳税额

    rate n.(比)率;速度;等级;费用

    rating n.估价;财产评估

    ratio n.比,比率

    ration v/n.定量配给
    Have you used your ration of petrol for this week?
    We have to ration the water.

    rationalize vt.使合理化
    Life has been rationalized by science.

    rat race n.商业竞争;事业上竞争
    rat-race n.商业竞争;事业竞争
    the race for mayor

    realty n.不动产;房地产
    (real estate n.房地产, 房地产所有权)

    rear n.后面, 背后, 后方, 屁股
    adj.后面的, 背面的, 后方的

    rebate v/n.折扣;回扣;退款
    There is a rebate of £1.50 if the account is settled before 31st Dec.如果账目在12月31日前结清, 可减少一镑半。
    export rebates出口减税
    freight rebate运费回扣
    insurance rebate保险回扣

    receipt n.收到;收据,收条

    receivable a.应收的;可收的

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