


    recession n.不景气,经济衰退

    reckless adj鲁莽的;轻率的
    be reckless of 不注意
    be reckless of the consequences
    be reckless of expenditure 乱花钱

    reconcile v.对帐;使一致
    vt.使和解, 使和谐, 使顺从
    be (become) reconciled with sb.
    be reconciled to (=reconcile oneself to)
    甘心于...; 顺从...
    They´re reconciled now.
    I can´t reconcile those two ideas.
    They are reconciled to living there.

    recovery n.复原;收回;复得;复苏

    recycle v.回收利用

    refer v.参考, 引证, 查阅, 提到, 指(的是)
    refer a question to an expert
    The invention of the compass is referred to China.指南针是中国发明的。
    He referred his success to the good teaching he had had.

    referee n.裁判员;仲裁人;代表人;鉴定人

    refresh v.(使)精神振作, (使)精力恢复, 更新
    A cool drink refreshed me after my long walk.

    refreshment n.(常pl.) 点心, 饮料
    We bought refreshments at the football match.
    (beverage n.饮料(如茶、酒、牛奶、汽水、低度汽水等)
    alcoholic beverage酒精饮料
    beer-like beverage啤酒类饮料
    snack n零食;点心;小吃, 快餐)

    refund n./v.退款,还款

    regulate vt.管制, 控制, 调节
    regulate a clock把钟对准
    regulate the traffic管理交通
    regulate the temperature of a room
    The speed of the machine may be automatically regulated to pace the packing operation by an inner microcomputer.

    regulation n.规章;法规;控制,调节

    reimbursement n. 付还, 偿还(钱款),报销,赔偿,补偿
    reimburse sb. for a loss

    reject vt.拒绝,抵制;丢弃;驳回

    relate vt.叙述, 讲, 使联系, 发生关系
    I related my adventure to my family.
    I can´t relate what he does with [to]what he says.我没法把他做的和说的联系起来。
    They are related to each other.

    reliability n.可靠性

    reluctant adj.不顾的, 勉强的, 难得到的
    reluctant assistance勉强的协作
    The child was reluctant to leave her mother.

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