


    solvent a. 溶解的,有偿付能力的,有溶解力
    (insolvent adj.破产的, 无偿付能力的)
    Gasoline is a solvent liquid which removes grease spots .
    A bankrupt company is not solvent.

    sop n.贿赂
    sop up water with a paper towel.
    (bribe n.贿赂vt.贿赂, 向...行贿
    grease n.油脂, 贿赂
    tamper vi.干预, 玩弄, 贿赂, 篡改
    The criminal bribed the policeman to let him go free.罪犯贿赂那个警察让他逃走。
    tamper with history窜改历史)

    somewhat adv.稍微, 有点, 有些
    I was somewhat surprised.
    I am somewhat tired of this work .
    我对这个工作有点厌倦了 。

    somewhere adv.某处, 在某处
    At last he found somewhere to park the car.

    sound2 adj.健全的, 可靠的, 合理的
    I´ve repaired the roof and it´s quite sound now.

    souvenir n.纪念品
    When Uncle Bill went abroad to live, he left me his watch as a souvenir.
    (keepsake n.纪念品, 赠品
    I still have it as a keepsake.
    remembrance n.回想, 记忆, 问候, 纪念品
    a small remembrance

    spade n.铲, 铁锹v.铲

    spare adj. 空闲的, 剩下的, 贫乏的, 备用的
    v.节省, 不伤害, 宽恕, 分让, 提供给某人
    If you have a spare bed, may I stay tonight?
    He doesn´t spare himself.
    She never spares the butter when baking.
    We may meet again if we are spared.
    如果我们不死, 还会见面的。
    Can you spare the time to help me?
    ...and to spare(=enough and to spare)
    多余, 很多
    if one is spared
    not spare oneself
    不宽恕自已, 严格要求自已, 不疲塌
    spare oneself
    怕吃苦; 偷懒; 不努力

    specialize/-ise v.专门研究,专政;专营

    specification n.规格,说明书

    specimen n.样本,标本

    spectacle n. 壮观的场面, 公开展示, 奇观, (a pair of ~s)眼镜
    Viewed from the top of Mount Tai, the sunrise was indeed a spectacle.
    从泰山顶上看去, 日出真是个奇观。(北京安 通学校提供)

    speculation n.投机买卖

    spin v.旋转, 纺, 纺纱
    The wheels of the car were spinning.
    spin cotton into thread

    spiral n./v.螺旋上升

    sponsor n.主办人,发起人

    spot n.斑点, 污点, 地点
    vt.认出, 发现
    She had spots on her face when she was ill.

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