


When women do become managers, do they bring a different style and different skills to the job? Are they better, or worse, managers than men? Are woman more highly motivated and 71 than male managers?

Some research 72 the idea that woman bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs, such as greater 73, an emphasis on affiliation and attachment, and a 74 to bring emotional factors to bear 75 making workplace decisions. These differences are 76 to carry advantages for companies, 77 they expand the range of techniques that can be used to 78 the company manage its workforce 79.

A study commissioned by the International Women's Forum 80 from the command? and control style 82 used by male managers. Using this “interactive leadership” approach, “women 83 participation, share power and information,84 other people's self-worth, and get others excited about their work. All these 85 reflect their belief that allowing 86 to contribute and to feel 87 and important is a win-win 88 —good for the employees and the organization.”The study's director 89 that “interactive leadership may emerge 90 the management style of choice for many organizations.”

D  71.A). confronted B). commanded C). confined D). committed


A 72.A). supports B). argues C). opposes D). despises


B 73.A). combination B). cooperativeness C). coherence D). correlation

A是合并,B是合作,C是连贯性,D是相互联系。根据下文,强调affiliation and attachment(归属感和服从感)的自然就是cooperativeness合作了。

A 74.A). willingness B). loyalty C). sensitivity D). virtue

willingness愿意。loyalty忠诚,sensitivity敏感度,virtue美德。emotional factor指情感因素。愿意把情感因素带出来去承受压力。

B 75.A). by B). in C). at D). with

make workplace decision在职场中作出决定。in表示在...中。

D 76.A). disclosed B). watched C). revised D). seen

be seen to...人们发现,人们看到,A是揭示,B是观看,C是重新修改。

C 77.A). therefore B). whereas C). because D). nonetheless


A 78.A). help B). enable C). support D). direct


D 79.A). evidently B). precisely C). aggressively D). effectively


C 80.A). developed B). invented C). discovered D). located


A 81.A). derives B). differs C). descends D). detaches

男性管理风格先于女性,所以女性的管理风格起源于男性。A是起源于,及物或不及物,B是区别,不同,不及物, C是下滑,下降,不及物,D是分离(detach ... from... )。

B 82.A). inherently B). traditionally C). conditionally D). occasionally

传统上这种控制命令的管理模式是由男性使用的。traditionally 传统上的。A是内在的,本身的,固有的,C是条件的,D是偶尔的。

A 83.A). encourage B). dismiss C). disapprove D). engage

encourage 鼓励,根据句意,应该是鼓励参与。B解散,C不同意,D忙于,与某人定婚

A 84.A). enhance B). enlarge C). ignore D). degrade


D 85.A). themes B). subjects C). researches D). things


C 86.A). managers B). women C). employees D). males


B 87.A). faithful B). powerful C). skillful D). thoughtful


A 88.A). situation B). stuatus C). circumstance D). position

A是局面,B是地位,C是环境,D是位置。win-win situation双赢局面。

A 89.A). predicted B). proclaimed C). defied D). diagnosed


C 90.A). into B). from C). as D). for

emerge as作为,以...的形式,此处意为“作为可供选择的管理模式”

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