
来源:项目管理师    发布时间:2012-05-06    项目管理师视频    评论


What approach this PM chooses depends, in some respects, on the long-term goals she has for her involvement with this team. She can certainly use the stick, and beat the team with it until they comply -- that is, threaten layoffs or pay cuts or reassignment or other unpleasant things. That probably would scare the team into compliance and get them to complete the current project according to her wishes. And that’s a valid approach if her goal is simply to get the current project done and there are no longer-term goals. Unfortunately, if she wants to or needs to have a productive working relationship with this team into the future, she’s going to have to find another, more constructive way to motivate her team. Bottom line, don’t forget human nature: people are more likely to respect those who respect them first. If the team’s been on the job for any length of time, then they know the ropes. They’re howling, I would guess, not just because someone is trying to dictate to them, but because they recognize that the directives they’re getting are in some way incompatible with what they know the job requires. I’d bet that if this PM pulled the team into a meeting and before saying anything else said: "I know you guys have the best ideas for how to complete this project because you’re the ones with the hands on experience. I want to hear your ideas" there’d be a big change in the attitude of her team toward their work and toward her. Not everyone will buy into that, but enough of them will that she can begin to work in partnership with her team instead of at odds with them. The people "in the trenches" know what works and what doesn’t work; management needs to give them a voice and really listen to what they say. If she starts doing that with her team, I predict a lot of the current problem will go away and, if she can maintain this approach, her working relationship with her team will be much better going forward.




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