
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论


     During the 1980s,unemployment and underemployment in some countries was as high as 90 percent.Some countries did not _1__ enough food;basic needs in housing and clothing were not _2__.Many of these countries looked to the industrial processes of the developed countries _3__ solutions.

     __4_,problems cannot always be solved by copying the Industrialized countries.Industry in the developed countries is highly automated and very __5_.It provides fewer jobs than labor-intensive industrial processes,and highly __6_ workers are needed to _7__ and repair the equipment.These workers must be trained _8__ many countries do not have the necessary training institutions.Thus,the __9_ of importing industry become higher.Students must be sent abroad to _10__ vocational and professional training.__11_,just to begin training,the students must _12__ learn English,French,German,or Japanese.The students then spend many years abroad,and _13__ do not return home.

     All countries agree that science and technology _14__ be shared.The point is:countries __15_ the industrial precesses of the developed countries need to look carefully _16__ the costs,because many of these costs are _17__. Students from these countries should __18_ the problem of the developed countries closely.__19_ care,they will take home not the problem of science and technology,_20__ the benefits.


1)    A  generate       B raise            C produce    D manufacture


2)    A  answered      B met             C calculated  D remembered


3)    A  for           B without          C as         D about


4)    A  moreover      B therefore         C anyway    D however


5)    A  expensive     B mechanical        C flourishing  D complicated


6)    A  gifted        B skilled            C trained      D versatile


7)    A  keep         B maintain          C retain       D protect


8)    A  since         B so               C and         D yet


9)    A  charge        B price            C cost         D value


10)   A  accept        B gain             C receive      D absorb


11)   A  frequently     B incidentally       C deliberately  D eventually


12)   A  soon         B quickly           C immediately  D first


13)   A  some        B others             C several      D few


14)   A  might       B should             C would       D will


15)   A  adopting     B conducting         C receiving     D adjusting


16)   A  to           B at                C on           D about


17)   A  opaque       B secret            C sealed         D hidden


18)   A  tackle        B learn             C study         D manipulate


19)   A  in           B through           C with          D under


20)   A  except       B nor               C or            D but




1--5 CBADB




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