
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

     In the past,the Park Service focused on making the big scenic parks more __1_ and comfortable for tourists.Road were paved to allow "windshield visitors" to experince the grandeur of nature without leaving their cars,and a _2__ number of hotels and grocery stores were permitted to open __3_ the park boundaries.
     Now this trend is changing.Plans have been made to __4_ the parks to their natural condition as much as possible.The objective of such a move would be to secure the preservation of the parks for future generations,__5_ allowing present-day visitors to experience pure wildeness,__6_ from any obvious signs of citilization---an opportunity which is quickly disappearing in the twentieth century.__7_ plans call only __8_ a reduction in the number of cars __9_ into the parks each day,but __10_,tourists may have to leave their cars at the gates and then dither visit the park on foot__11_ use park__12_.__13_,stores and hotels may no longer be allowed within park boundaries and even the number of campground may be restricted.
     Denail National Park in Alaska serves as an excellent __14_ for this new type of park,one which has been changed only slightly from its __15_ state.There is only one road,unpaved in __16_,which cross __17_ Denali.As car traffic is strictly limited,many visitors experience the magnificent __18_ and wildlife from a park bus.There are no hotels or stores and only seven campgrounds within Denali's 3000 square miles.This __19_ isolation offers backpackers,canoeists,and other sport enthusiasts a __20_ physical and pshchological challenge.

1)    A  possible       B accessible        C approachable D reachable

2)    A  large          B amazing         C minumum   D limited
3)    A  within         B inside           C on         D at
4)    A  recover        B turn             C rebuild     D restore
5)    A  thus           B and             C while      D but
6)    A  released       B devoid           C free        D resulted
7)    A  detailed       B initial            C overall     D long-term
8)    A  at            B on               C for        D about
9)    A  allowed       B parked           C moved      D headed
10)   A  then          B finally           C consequently D eventually
11)   A  or            B and             C but         D may
12)   A  transportation   B traffic           C facilities    D lot
13)  A  exceptionally    B additionally      C increasing    D extraordinarily
14)   A  prototype       B example        C model       D pattern
16)   A  segment       B portions         C divisions     D sections
15)   A  original       B naturall          C primitivel    D rude
17)   A  in            B into             C off          D through
18)   A  scenery       B scene            C sight         D spectacle
19)  A comparative     B relative           C strict        D geographical
20)  A  strange       B specific            C special       D distinct
1--5  BDADC       6--10  CBCAD       11--15  AABCB      16--20  DDABC



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