
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

     Music comes in many forms;most countries have style of their own.__1_ the turn of the country when jazz was born,America had no prominent __2_ of its own.No one knows exactly when jazz was __3_,or by whom.But it began to be __4_ in the early 1900s.Jazz is America's contribution to __5_ music.In contrast to classic music,which __6_ formal European traditions,jazz is spontaneous and free in form.It bubble with energy,__7_ the modds,interests,and emotions of the people.In the 1920s,jazz __8_ like America.And __9_ it does today.The __10_ of this music are as interesting as the music __11_.American Negroes,or blacks,as they are called today,were the jazz__12_.They were brought to the Southern states __13_ slaves.They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long __14_.When a Negro died his friend and relatives __15_ a procession to carry the body to the cemetery.In New Orleans,a band often accompanied the _16__.On the way to the cemetery the band played slow,solemn music suited to the occasion._17__ on the way home the mood charged.Spirits lifted.Death had remove one of their __18_,but the living were glad to be alive.The band played _19__ music,improvising on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes __20_ at the funeral.This music made everyone want to dance.It was an early form of jazz. 
1)   A  at              B in              C by          D on
2)   A  music           B song            C melody      D style
3)   A  discovered       B acted           C designed      D invented
4)   A  noticed          B found           C listened      D heard
5)   A  classical         B sacred          C light         D popular
6)   A  forms           B follows         C approaches    D introduces
7)   A  expressing       B explaining       C exposing     D illustrating
8)   A  appeared        B felt             C sounded      D seemed
9)   A  so             B as              C either         D neither
10)  A  originals        B origins          C discoveries    D resources
11)  A  concered        B itself           C available      D oneself
12)  A  players          B followers       C pioneers      D fans
15)  A  demonstrated     B composed       C formed       D hosted
14)  A  months          B weeks          C hours        D times
13)  A  for             B by              C with        D as
16)  A  demonstration    B procession       C body        D march
17)  A  evenl           B therefore         C but         D so
18)  A  number         B members         C body        D relations
19)  A  sad            B solemn           C funeral      D happy
20)  A  whistled        B sung             C showed      D presented
1--5  CDBAD        6--10  BACAB        11--15  BCDCC        16--20  BCBDD



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