
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

     Last year,France recorded just 31 cases of the mad cow disease.The rising numbers are in part __1_ a new testing program that focuses on cows that are most __2_.That program has __3_ 39 cases.But still 60 new cases were identified in the usual way,_4__ were found in 1999.Many scientists __5_ that this year,five years after safety precautions were__6_,the number od cases would be __7_.
     The rise in cases has __8_ some scientists to question whether the disease can be transmitted in ways not yet understood.Scientists are still __9_ by the disease,first recognized in cows in 1986.
     It appears that it is not casused by a bacteria,virus or fungus,but __10_ infectious particles called prison,perhaps __11_ a virus or other agent.The desease kills cells in the brain,__12_ it spongy and full of holes. 
     France has taken more steps to __13_ safety than most European countries,__14_ refusing to take English beef __15_ the European Union.But some scientists believe that France has not been __16_ in imposing the ban on feed that __17_ animal parts.
     Some French officials hope that the sudden interest in mad cow disease will mean that French consumers will become educated about it,thereby recognizing that French beef is actually __18_ controlled.Every cow is given a passport at birth ,and extensive information about is parentage and __19_ it was raised must be __20_ to any slaughterhouse.When a diseased animal is found,the nentire herd is destroyed.
1)   A  as           B because          C since        D due to

2)   A  at risk        B in risk           C risking       D at danger

3)   A  identified     B invented         C discovered    D disclosed

4)   A  more         B far more         C far more than  D less than

5)   A  expect        B expected         C have expected  D had expected

6)   A  put to place    B put a place       C put in place    D put in the place

7)   A  declining      B inclining         C increasing     D reclaiming

8)   A  attempted      B prompted        C lured         D intended

9)   A  puzzling       B puzzled         C being puzzled   D to be puzzled

10)  A  sterm from   B developed in      C grew out of      D generated from

11)  A  grew with    B agree with        C coincide with    D in concert with

12)  A  to leave       B leaving        C leaves            D left

13)  A  be sure       B ensure         C make sure         D assure

14)  A  including     B excluding      C containing         D enclosing

15)  A  abiding by   B in defiance of   C according to     D in accordance with

16)  A  effective     B efficient        C affective          D affect

17)  A  contains     B consists of     C is made from        D is made up

18)  A  stiff        B rigidly         C hard               D roughly

19)  A  where       B how          C when              D why

20)  A  subjected    B submitted      C reported           D registered

1--5 DAACD       6--10  CABBA        11--15  ADBBA        16--20  AABAB



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