
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

  Jane Brown has been married for 12 years. She has three children, and lives in a suburb outside Columbias Higher. When her youngest child reached school age, Jane decide to go back to work. She thought that she could contribute to household finance, Her salary could make different between finance struggle and secure finance situation for her family. Jane also feel boiled and frustrated in her role as homemaker and want to be more involved in life outside her home. Jane was worried about her children suggestion to this new situation. But she arranged to them to go to stay nearby after school each afternoon. They seem to be happy with her arrangement. The problem seems to be between Jane and her husband Bill. When Jane was at home a day, she was able to clean the house ,go grocery in shopping, wash the cloth, take care of child, and cook two or three meals each day. She was very busy of course, but she succeed in give everything done, now the same thing is need to be done, but Jane has only evening and early morning to do them. Both Jane and Bill are tired when they arrived home at 6:00 PM. Bill is custom to sitting down and reading a paper or watching TV until dinner is ready. This is exactly what Jane feels like doing, but someone has to fix dinner, and Bill is expected to be Jane. Jane is becoming very angry Bill’s attitude. She feels that she should shield the household jobs, but Bill feel the everything should be the same as was before when back to work.
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