
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:试题
  • 第2页:参考译文及答案详解


  1. The first paragraph is mainly about_______.
  [ A ] the definition of money market
  [ B ] the constitution of a money market
  [ C ] the basic functions of a money market
  [ D ] the general feature of a money market
  2. According to this passage, a money market_______.
  [ A ] provides convenient services to its customers
  [ B ] has close contact with the individuals or firms seeking funds
  [ C ] maintains accounts with various retailers of financial services
  [ D ] is made up of institutions who specialize in handling wholesale monetary transactions
  3. Which of the following statements about a money market is NOT true according to this passage?
  [ A ] Money market does not exist in planned economies.
  [ B ] Money market has been established ,in some socialist countries.
  [ C ] Money market encourages open competition among bulk suppliers of funds.
  [ D ] Money market relies upon market processes to distribute funds to final users.
  4. The author uses the example of middleman to show_______.
  [ A ] market transactions are important in different countries
  [ B ] dealers are needed in doing business
  [ C ] middlemen can play great role in different transactions and different countries
  [ D ] middlemen in different countries have different actions in business
  5. According to this passage, _______.
  [ A ] brokers usually perform the same kinds of services to their customers
  [ B ] brokers have little contact with each other
  [ C ] open competition, tends to result in a common price for similar transactions at any given moment
  [ D ] changes in the pressure of available supplies of funds upon market tends to maintain a common price for similar transactions



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