
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:试题
  • 第2页:参考译文及答案详解


  1. What is the trend of credit-theft crime?
  [ A ] Tightly suppressed.
  [ B ] More frightening.
  [ C ] Rapidly increasing.
  [ D ] loosely controlled.
  2. The expression "inside job" ( Line 3, Paragraph 2) most probably means “ _______”
  [ A ] a crime that is committed by a person working for the victim
  [ B ] a crime that should be punished severely
  [ C ] a crime that does. great harm to the victim
  [ D ] a crime that poses a great threat to the society
  3. The creditors can protect their identity in the following ways except_______.
  [ A ] destroying your junk mail
  [ B ] leaving your Social Security card at home
  [ C ] visiting the credit-report website regularly
  [ D ] obtaining the free report from the government
  4. Why is it easy to have credit-theft?
  [ A ] More people are using credit service.
  [ B ] The application program is not safe enough.
  [ C ] Creditors usually disclose their identity.
  [ D ] Creditors are not careful about their identity.
  5. What is the best title of the text?
  [ A ] The danger of credit-theft
  [ B ] The loss of the creditors
  [ C ] How to protect your good name
  [ D ] Why the creditors lose their identity



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