
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:试题
  • 第2页:参考译文及答案


  1. An American senator criticized Time Warner for_______.
  [ A ] its raising of the corporate stock price
  [ B ] its self-examination of the soul
  [ C ] its neglect of social responsibility
  [ D ] its emphasis on creative freedom
  2. The word “flap” ( Para. 3 ) here means_______.
  [ A ] controversy
  [ B ] fear
  [ C ] disaster
  [ D ] solution
  3. In 1992, Time Warner caused public outrage because it_______.
  [ A ] sacked workers as a result of restructuring
  [ B ] issued a record promoting violence
  [ C ] advocated the culture of the street
  [ D ] challenged the freedom of expression in democratic society
  4. In the face of recent attacks on the company, Levin_______.
  [ A ] stuck to a strong stand to defend freedom of expression
  [ B ] softened his tone and introduced a new initiative
  [ C ] yielded to objections and resigned from the company
  [ D ] requested unconditional support from the 1-member board
  5. We can infer from the last paragraph that_______.
  [ A ] profits and social responsibility can rarely go hand in hand in the company
  [ B ] few people are concerned about corporate responsibility
  [ C ] the debate over Time Warner' s policy will soon involve other companies
  [ D ] the Time Warner Board's opinion of the company's policy is divided



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