
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

  1. In India more than one hundred languages are spoken, ________ which only fourteen are recognized as official.
  A) of B) in C) with D) within
  2. Techniques for ________ sleep would involve learning to control both mind and body so that sleep can occur.
  A) cultivating B) promoting C) pushing D) strengthening
  3. It is important to ___ between the rules of grammar and the conventions of written language.
  A) determine B) identify C) explore D) distinguish
  4. It is too early to say whether IBM‘s competitors will be able to ________ their products to the new hardware at an affordable cost.
  A) adapt B) stick C) yield D) adopt
  5. This research has attracted wide coverage in the ________ and has featured on BBC television‘s Tomorrow’s World.
  A) data B) source C) message D) media
  6. I had just posted the letter when I remembered that hadn‘t ________ the cheque.
  A) imposed B) involved C) enclosed D) contained
  7. She had a tense expression on her face, ________ she were expecting trouble.
  A) even though B) as though C) even as D) now that
  8. They were ________ admission to the military exhibition because they were foreigners.
  A) denied B) declined C) deprived D) rejected
  9. It gave me a strange feeling of excitement to see my name in ________.
  A) prospect B) print C) process D) press
  10. Residents were cutting their lawns, washing their cars and otherwise ________ a pleasant, sunny day.
  A) idling away B) taking away C) chasing away D) driving away
  1-5 ABDAD 6-10 CBABA




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