
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:第一节单项填空
  • 第2页:第二节完形填空
  • 第3页:第三部分阅读理解
  • 第4页:第四部分写 作
  • 第5页:答案:单项填空
  • 第6页:答案:完形填空
  • 第7页:答案:阅读理解
  • 第8页:答案:写作
  21. Great men never give up _____________difficulty.
  [ A ] in a face of
  [ B ] in face of the
  [ C ] in the face of
  [ D ] in the face of the
  22.--Nancy is not coming tonight.
  --But she_______!
  [ A ] promises
  [ B ] promised
  [ C ] will promise
  [ D ] had promised
  23. Usually, ________care for children’s______.
  [ A ] woman writers; lives
  [ B ] women writer ;life
  [ C ] women writers; life
  [ D ] women writer ; lives
  24. I suppose when I come back in ten years’ time, all these old houses ________down.
  [ A ] will have been pulled
  [ B ] will have pulled
  [ C ] will be pulling
  [ D ] will be pulled
  25. There are ________dressmakers in the US than in European countries.
  [ A ] far fewer
  [ B ] so fewer
  [ C ] very fewer
  [ D ] too fewer
  26. A fireman discovered the _______of the fire.
  [ A ] truth
  [ B ] reason
  [ C ] cause
  [ D ] fact
  27. That young man has made so much noise that he _______ not have been allowed to attend the concert.
  [ A ] could
  [ B ] must
  [ C ] would
  [ D ] should
  28. -Would you like some more noodles?
  -No, thanks. I_____.
  [ A ]don’t want to
  [ B ]can’t eat
  [ C ] am not hungry
  [ D ]am full
  29. You may write to me or come to see me._______ way will do.
  [ A ] All
  [ B ] Both
  [ C ] One
  [ D ] Either
  30. I’m afraid it tomorrow, but who knows?
  [ A ] may have rained
  [ B ] might rain
  [ C ] would rain
  [ D ] ought ,to rain
  31. Whenever I met him, ______was fairly frequent, _______I liked his sweet and hope- ful smile.
  [ A ] which; /
  [ B ] that; that
  [ C ] it; that.
  [ D ] what; /
  32. Is the average temperature of Beijing in summer 9_____.
  [ A ] like Chicago
  [ B ] like it in Chicago
  [ C ] like the one of Chicago
  [ D ] like that of Chicago
  33. Entering the room, I found my father_______ at the desk and ________ something.
  [ A ] seat; write
  [ B ] seated; wrote
  [ C ] seated; writing
  [ D ] seating ;writing
  34. _______they will send us an invitation is not yet known, _____ we hope they will.
  [ A ]lf; but
  [ B ]That; so
  [ C ]When; yet
  [ D ]Whether; but
  35. Cars moved very slowly in the 1920s, but they ________move more quickly than in 1910. -
  [ A ] were to can
  [ B ] did
  [ C ] will
  [ D ] can




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