
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:第一节单项填空
  • 第2页:第二节完形填空
  • 第3页:第三部分阅读理解
  • 第4页:第四部分写 作
  • 第5页:答案:单项填空
  • 第6页:答案:完形填空
  • 第7页:答案:阅读理解
  • 第8页:答案:写作
  21.--When shall we meet again?
  --Make it ______day you like, it’s up to you.
  [ A ]one
  [ C ]another
  [ D ] some
  22. I first met Mary three years ago when we_______in a middle school together.
  [ A ] have worked
  [ B ] had been working
  [ C ] were working
  [ D ] had worked
  23. She thought I was talking about her son _______ actually, I was talking about my son.
  [ A ]whom
  [ B ] where
  [ C ] which
  [ D ] while
  24. Paul doesn’t have to be made_________He is always a hard-working student.
  [ A ] study
  [ B ] to study
  [ C ] studied
  [ D ] studying
  25. The book _________by a famous writer.
  [ A ] was believed to write
  [ B ] believed to be written
  [ C ] was believed to be written
  [ D ] believe to write
  26. Our team_______the match yesterday.
  [ A ]won
  [ B ]beat
  [ C ]defated
  [ D ] caught
  27._______ you understand this rule, you’ll have no further difficulty.
  [ A ] Once
  [ B ] Unless
  [ C ] Only
  [ D ] Until
  28. I am looking forward to_________from you as soon as possible.
  [ A ] hear
  [ B ] be hearing
  [ C ] hearing
  [ D ] have heard
  29. His sister always spends so much_______clothes that she can’t manage to live within her income.
  [ A ]for
  [ B ]in
  [ C ]at
  [ D ]on
  30.--She asked you when_________again?
  --Tell her that I’ 11 let her know when he__________.
  [ A ] he came; comes
  [ B ] would he come; will come
  [ C ] he came; will come
  [ D ] he would come; comes
  31. You must make__________clear that no harm comes to her.
  [ A ]that
  [ B ]it
  [ C ]this
  [ D ]what
  32. There are no lights on and no one answers the doorbell. They________be at home.
  [ A ] must not
  [ B ] will not
  [ C ] should not
  [ D ] can not
  33. He found it necessary for us ________from each other.
  [ A ] to help and learn
  [ B l helping and learning
  [ C ] to learn and to help
  [ D 1 learning and helping
  34.________is often the case with children, Tom was completely better by the time the doctor arrived
  [ A ]It
  [ B ]As
  [ C ]what
  [ D ] Which
  35. The woman gathered a lot of _________by writing many best-selling________.
  [ A ] wealths; work
  [ B ] wealths; works
  [ C ] wealth; work
  [ D ] wealth; works




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