
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension



  A: Is today really January 10? How time flies!

  B: Yes, and I have another lecture to give.

  A: When is it?

  B: A week from tomorrow.

 1.When will the lecture be given?

  January 18.       January 2.       January 11.       


  M: Are you going to do the dishes today?

  W: I think you'd better do it this time. I have a big project (方案,项目,发射,突出) at work that I have to finish.

 2.What does the woman mean?

  She has too much work to do. 

  She doesn't know how. 

  The man is washing them this time. 


  M: Are you leaving for the bus station at nine o'clock?

  W: I'm going earlier than that. My bus leaves at 9:15.

 3.When does the bus leave?

  At nine o'clock. 

  At nine fifteen. 

  Earlier than nine o'clock. 


  M: Can you speak French?

  W: A little.

 4.What language can she speak a little?

  French.         Chinese.        English.        


  M: Can you tell me which is the cheapest bag I can buy?

  W: The shoulder bag is $10, but the hand bag is almost twice as much.

 5.What does the woman explain to the man?

  The hand bag will last twice as long as the shoulder bag. 

  The hand bag is cheaper than the shoulder bag. 

  The shoulder bag is cheaper than the hand bag. 




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