
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

Section Ⅱ Use of English


 21.  After finishing reading the book, he    his composition.

  went on to write 

  went on writing 

  went on and wrote 

  went on by writing 

 22.  After you finish the test,    again to look for mistakes.

  go over with it  go it over    go over it    go over    

 23.  A four-year-old boy could stay at home   . When he feels    he might call granny (奶奶,外婆) next door to him.

  himself... alone lonely... alone  alone... lonely  alone... himself 

 24.  Always try your best,    you'll be left behind.

  and        or        for        nor    

 25.  After writing the letter, I had my brother    and post it.

  went       to go       going       go        

 26.  After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced    computers in 1998 as the year before.

  as many twice   as twice many   twice as many   twice many as   

 27.  A lot of birds are flying    the south.

  by        with       towards      over      

 28.  Animal skins can    coats, hats and boots.

  be made up of   be made from   be made into   be made of    

 29.  Ask    if you want some wine.

  Rooms 203     203 Room     Room 203     the 203 room   

 30.  "Are the new rules working?"

  "Yes.    books are stolen."

  Few        More       Some       None    

 31.  A new doctor was sent to the village in place of    one who had retired.

  the        a         an        /      

 32.  "I'll give you the general plan and you can    the details", the director said to his assistant.

  work for     work out     work by      work into    

 33.  "What authors do you like?"

  "Shakespeare is   ."

  the favourite of mine 

  favourite for me 

  for me the favourite 

  my favourite 

 34.  At last he was    the big mistake he had made in his CV (简历表).

  known for 

  conscious about 

  conscious (意识到的,有知觉的) of 

  known of 

 35.  "How many elephants did you see?"

  "  "

  No one.      None.       Not many.     Nobody.      



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