
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

  The computer is fast, and never makes mistakes. People are sloe, and often _41___ mistakes. That’s what people often say when they ___42__ computer. For over 25 years, engineers have been making ___43___ computers. Now a computer can do ????__44___ everyday jobs wonderfully. It is _45__ used in factories, hospitals, banks and schools. Many computer scientists are now thinking of ___46__ the computer “think” like a man. ___47__ the help of a person, a computer can do many things. Perhaps computer will one day __48___ think and feel. Do you think people will be __49__ when they find that the computer is ___50__ clever to listen to and serve the people?
  41. A. do B. make C. has
  42. A. speak to B. say C. talk about
  43. A. better and better B. many and many C. little and little
  44. A. the number of B. a great deal C. a lot of
  45 A. not B. hardly C. widely
  46. A. asking B. telling C. making
  47. A. by B. with C. for
  48. A. really B. truly C. true
  49. A. fearful B. surprise C. afraid
  50. A. too B. very C. much



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