
来源:公共英语    发布时间:2013-02-01    公共英语辅导视频    评论

  Mr. Johnson is the boss of Acme Trucking. His office is in a mess. There are papers, books and boxes everywhere. Nothing is clean, and nothing is in order. He needs a good secretary.
  Mrs. Santana wants the job. She’s in his office for an interview. He’s surprised because she’s an old woman and she has no office experience.
  Mrs. Santana is talking, “I am the right person for this job. I’m a good talker and I’m friendly on the telephone. I’m a good word professor operator(文字处理操作员). I can type sixty words a minute on a computer. Last year I took lessons in computers and keyboarding. I’m a mother. I have five children, and they knew more about computers than I did! Two of them helped me with these lessons. With five children, I have to be organized and I am. My house is clean and in order. I’m sure you want your office the same way. ”
  Mr. Johnson is interested.
  “Mr. Johnson, look at your office. Papers are everywhere. Your basket is full. The date on your calendar(日历) is fifth. Today is tenth. I can take care of everything in your office. And I am a hard worker. Mr. Johnson, I’m the right person for this job.”
  Mr. Johnson is sitting in his chair and smiling, “Mrs. Santana, when can you start?”
  1. Mr. Johnson wanted a young and beautiful secretary to help him.
  A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
  2. Mr. Johnson had an interview with Mrs. Santana on the telephone.
  A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
  3. mares. Santana believed she could do the job well.
  A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
  4. Mr. Santana agrees his wife to work as a secretary.
  A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
  5. Mrs. Santana got the job easily.
  A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say



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