
来源:Oracle认证    发布时间:2012-11-12    Oracle认证视频    评论

  q. 1 : the database must be in this mode for the instance to be started 

  1. mount 
  2. open 
  3. nomount 
  4. none 


  q. 2 : when oracle startups up, what happens if a datafile or redo log file not available or corrupted due to o.s problems 

  1. oracle returns a warning message and opens the database 
  2. oracle returns a warning message and does not open the database 
  3. oracle returns a warning message and starts the database recovery 
  4. oracle ignores those files and functions normally 


  q. 3 : the restricted session system privilege should be given to 

  1. users, who need extra security while transfering the data between client and the server through sql*net or net8. 
  2. dbas, who perform structural maintenance exports and imports the data. 
  3. all of the above 
  4. none of the above 


  q. 4 : when starting up a database, if one or more of the files specified in the control_files parameter does not exist, or cannot be opened 

  1. oracle returns a warning message and does not mount the database 
  2. oracle returns a warning message and mounts the database 
  3. oracle ignores those files and functions normally 
  4. oracle returns a warning message and starts database recovery 


  q. 5 : bob tried to shutdown normal, oracle said it was unavailable, and when he tried to starup, oracle said that it was already started.
 what is the best mode that bob can use to force a shutdown on the server 

  1. normal 
  2. abort 
  3. immediate 
  4. none 


  q. 6 : tom issued a command to startup the database. what modes does the instance and database pass through to finally have the database open 

  1. open, nomount, mount 
  2. nomount, mount, open 
  3. nomount, open, mount 
  4. mount, open, nomount 


  q. 7 : diane is a new dba and issued a shutdown command while her server is being used. after a while she figures that oracle is
waiting for all the users to sign off. what shutdown mode did she use 



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