
来源:计算机等级考试    发布时间:2012-08-27    计算机等级考试视频    评论

  有了上面的类,就很容易将Blob序列化了。只要有一个我们还未迭代的实体数据,就可以将实体分批为若干模块。每个模块类都会写到Azure Blob Block,而我们也会重设MemoryStream,因为下一个实体数据将被写入一个新模块中的新批次。当模块数已经达到极限,就要援引写有所有模块 ID的PutBlockList,并为新的模块创建一个新的Blob。如果我们看到至少一个实体数据,BackupToBlock 也只会将写入内存流的数据就保存在模块中。

static void BackupToContainer(CloudBlobContainer containerToSave, CloudTableQuery query, 

  string backupId, PartitionKeyRange range)


  // A block can be at most 4 MB in Azure Storage. Though we will be using much less

  // we will allocate 4MB for the edge case where an entity may be 1MB

  MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(4 * 1024 * 1024);

  State state = new State(query, stream);

  BlobRequestOptions requestOptions = new BlobRequestOptions()


  RetryPolicy = RetryPolicies.RetryExponential(5, RetryPolicies.DefaultClientBackoff)


  while (!state.HasCompleted)


  // Store the resultset to a blob in the container. We will use a naming scheme but the scheme does not

  // have any conseuqences on the strategy itself

  string backupFileName = string.Format("{0}/{1}_{2}_{3}.xml",



  range.Min == null ? "null" : range.Min.GetHashCode().ToString(),

  range.Max == null ? "null" : range.Max.GetHashCode().ToString());

  CloudBlockBlob backupBlob = containerToSave.GetBlockBlobReference(backupFileName);

  Blob blob = new Blob(state);

  List blockIdList = new List();

  foreach (Block block in blob.Blocks)


  string blockId = BackupBlock(stream, requestOptions, backupBlob, block);

  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(blockId))





  if (blockIdList.Count > 0)


  // commit block list

  backupBlob.PutBlockList(blockIdList, requestOptions);




  private static string BackupBlock(MemoryStream stream, BlobRequestOptions requestOptions, CloudBlockBlob backupBlob, Block block)


  int entityCount = 0;

  // reset the memory stream as we begin a new block

  stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);


  XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(stream);


  foreach (Batch batch in block.Batches)


  // write begin batch statement


  foreach (BackupEntity entity in batch.Entities)










  stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

  // if we have written > 0 entities, let us store to a block. Else we can reject this block

  if (entityCount > 0)


  backupBlob.PutBlock(block.BlockId, stream, null, requestOptions);

  return block.BlockId;


  return null;



  /// The class that maintains the global state for the iteration


  internal class State


  protected MemoryStream stream;

  IEnumerator queryIterator;

  internal State(CloudTableQuery query, MemoryStream stream)


  this.queryIterator = query.GetEnumerator(); = stream;



  /// This entity is the one we may have retrieved but it does not belong to the batch

  /// So we store it here so that it can be returned on the next iteration


  internal BackupEntity LookAheadEntity { private get; set; }


  /// We have completed if look ahead entity is null and iterator is completed too.


  internal bool HasCompleted




  return this.queryIterator == null && this.LookAheadEntity == null;




  /// Get the amount of data we have saved in the entity


  internal long CurrentBlockSize





  return stream.Position;




  /// Return the next entity - which can be either the

  /// look ahead entity or a new one from the iterator.

  /// We return null if there are no more entities



  internal BackupEntity GetNextEntity()


  BackupEntity entityToReturn = null;

  if (this.LookAheadEntity != null)


  entityToReturn = this.LookAheadEntity;

  this.LookAheadEntity = null;


  else if (this.queryIterator != null)


  if (this.queryIterator.MoveNext())


  entityToReturn = this.queryIterator.Current;




  this.queryIterator = null;



  return entityToReturn;




  /// Represents a collection of entities in a single batch


  internal class Batch


  static int MaxEntityCount = 100;

  // Save at most 3.5MB in a batch so that we have enough room for

  // the xml tags that WCF Data Services adds in the OData protocol

  static int MaxBatchSize = (int)(3.5 * 1024 * 1024);

  State state;

  internal Batch(State state)


  this.state = state;



  /// Yield entities until we hit a condition that should terminate a batch.

  /// The conditions to terminate on are:

  /// 1. 100 entities in a batch

  /// 2. 3.5MB of data

  /// 2. 3.8MB of block size

  /// 3. We see a new partition key


  internal IEnumerable Entities




  BackupEntity entity;

  long currentSize = this.state.CurrentBlockSize;

  string lastPartitionKeySeen = null;

  int entityCount = 0;

  while ((entity = state.GetNextEntity()) != null)


  if (lastPartitionKeySeen == null)


  lastPartitionKeySeen = entity.PartitionKey;


  int approxEntitySize = entity.EntryElement.ToString().Length * 2;

  long batchSize = this.state.CurrentBlockSize - currentSize;

  if (entityCount >= Batch.MaxEntityCount

  || !string.Equals(entity.PartitionKey, lastPartitionKeySeen)

  || batchSize + approxEntitySize > Batch.MaxBatchSize

  || this.state.CurrentBlockSize + approxEntitySize > Block.MaxBlockSize)


  // set this current entity as the look ahead since it needs to be part of the next batch

  state.LookAheadEntity = entity;

  yield break;



  yield return entity;






  /// Represents all batches in a block


  internal class Block


  // Though a block can be of 4MB we will stop before to allow buffer

  static int MaxBlockSize = (int)(3.8 * 1024 * 1024);

  State state;

  internal string BlockId { get; private set; }

  internal Block(State state)


  this.state = state;

  this.BlockId = Convert.ToBase64String(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray());



  /// The list of batches in the block.


  internal IEnumerable Batches




  while (!state.HasCompleted && state.CurrentBlockSize < Block.MaxBlockSize)


  yield return new Batch(state);






  /// Represents all blocks in a blob


  internal class Blob



  /// We will allow storing at most 20 blocks in a blob


  static int MaxBlocksInBlobs = 20;

  State state;

  internal CloudBlob blob { get; private set; }

  internal Blob(State state)


  this.state = state;



  /// The blocks that form the blob


  internal IEnumerable Blocks




  int blockCount = 0;

  while (!state.HasCompleted && blockCount < Blob.MaxBlocksInBlobs)



  yield return new Block(state);








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