
来源:会计硕士(MPACC)    发布时间:2012-07-12    会计硕士(MPACC)辅导视频    评论

  • 第1页:2011在职会计硕士联考英语词汇记忆法一
  • 第2页:2011在职会计硕士联考英语词汇记忆二
  • 第3页:2011在职会计硕士联考英语词汇记忆三
  • 第4页:2011在职会计硕士联考英语词汇四
  • 第5页:2011在职会计硕士联考英语词汇五
  • 第6页:2011在职会计硕士联考英语词汇六
  • 第7页:2011在职会计硕士联考英语词汇七
  • 第8页:2011在职会计硕士联考英语词汇八
  • 第9页:2011在职会计硕士联考英语词汇九
  • 第10页:  2011在职会计硕士联考英语词汇十

  Imitate v.学习;效仿;--》study,语气没有study强;

  Simulate v.假装;模拟;--》pretend,

  Children lean by imitataing their parents.

  Don't Simulate madness(疯狂的,可以是death).请不要装疯卖傻。

  Pretend to be + adj.

  The experiment Simulated real weather condition.真实的天气状况。

  Mod adj.疯狂的;语气较重。

  Crazy adj.疯狂的;语气比mod轻。Be crazy about.对。。。非常的爱好。


  Destiny n.命运;

  Fate n.命运;we have the same fate.同病相怜。

  Fortune n.1)财富;2)命运

  Make a fortune发大财;

  Try one's fortune 碰运气;

  Tell one's fortunes 算命;

  Try to do sth努力做某事;

  Try doing sth尝试做某事;

  He tried washing his hair with a news shampoo(洗发香波).

  Destiny is sometime cruel.命运有时候是残酷的。

  Crude 天然的;

  Coarse 粗糙的;

  Rough 粗略的;

  Grasp destiny in one's own hands.把命运掌握在自己手中;

  Dignity n.端庄;庄严;

  Behave with dignity 举止庄严

  Lose one's dignity.丢面子

  Crowd n.群;常指人;a crowd of people.一群人。

  Flock n.群,鸟群;常指鸟;a flock of birds. V.群聚;群集;依然常指鸟;

  A flock of customers waited for the store to open.

  Birds of a feather flock together.

  Swarm n.群;蜂拥而入;常指虫子;a swarm of bees/ants/insects(昆虫).

  People swarmed into the cinema.

  Herd n.群,常指牲畜;a herd of cattle/cow/OX/bull.一群牛。


  Pack n.1)包,小包;2)群;常指兽;a pack of foxes(狐狸)/wolves(狼).


  A copy of newspaper/periodical/jourral.一份报纸。

  A loaf of bread.一条面包。Loaf 面包条

  A lump of sugar.一块糖。

  A flash of lightning.一道闪电。


  Glance,Glimpse 瞥见

  Glare 瞪眼

  Peep 偷窥

  Peer, gaze , stare 凝视


  Glance v/n.一瞥;比较接近look,表示动作;

  Glimpse v/n.瞥见;比较接近see,表示结果;

  at a glance环视四周。See sth at a glance.

  Catch(get) a glimpse of sth.瞥见了某物。

  Glare v/n.1)瞪眼;怒视;2)闪耀;look at sb with a fierce(猛烈的、凶猛的) glare.

  A fierce storm猛烈的暴风雨。A fierce tiger.

  Peep vi.偷看;偷窥;peep at sth/sb through a hole.

  Peer 凝视;

  He peered at the tag to read the price.

  He was staring into the distance.

  Fragileàfrag(fragment n.碎片)-ile(adj.易。。。的)àadj.易碎的;+sth

  The vase(china) is fragile.花瓶易碎。

  The glasses are fragile.

  Delicate adj.精细的,较弱的;可指人也可指物;

  A delicate girl.

  Feeble adj.虚弱的;和人有关的;àsb

  Her pulse was very feeble.

  Vulnerable adj.易受伤的;易受攻击的;àsb/sth

  Despise v.轻视;看不起;despise sb for sth/doing

  Scorn v/n.蔑视;pour scorn on对。。。嗤之以鼻;


  Discriminate against歧视。

  They Discriminated against the coloured races.

  Discriminate between A and B。

  Defy v.蔑视;(公然)违抗;defy laws蔑视法律;defy one's parents。

  Drawback n.1)缺点;缺陷;2)退款;退税;

  His lack of experience is a major drawback.


  Handicapàhand-in-capà n.缺陷,常指身体、心智上;

  Defect n.缺陷;常指身体、心智上;

  He suffers from a hearing defect.他听力有一定的障碍。

  Defects n.不合格产品;

  Blunder n.大错;=big mistake.

  Commit(make) a blunder.犯了大错。

  Commit 1)犯、做;常指坏事;commit a crime犯罪;commit murder谋杀;

  Perform 做;常指好事



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