
来源:微软认证    发布时间:2012-11-08    微软认证视频    评论

  1. 两ISDN adapter, 每个adapter有两B-channel,用dial-up networking连RAS server, RAS server也有两ISDN adaptic, 每个B-channel有自己的phone number.如何config multilink来使用所有4 个channel.

    A. create a PhoneBook Entry for each ISDN B-channel connect to RAS server by using all four entries.

    B. create one phonebook that has the four phone number. connect to the RAS server by using this entries.

    C. create one PhoneBook Entry for each ISDN adaptic connect to RAS server by using both entries.

    D. create one PhoneBook Entry that is configed to use multiple lines, Assign a phone number for each line.connect to RAS server by using this entry.


    2. 用dialup networking 连NT WS 到PPP server, ISP 要求备份logon to a server 并select a menu option that actives PPP support on the server. 如何配置NT WS , 自动active the ISP的PPP support?

    A. create a script, config DUN to run script after dialing.

    B. config DUN to open a terminal Windows after dialing.

    C. config DUN to open a terminal Windows before dialing.

    D. NT WS 4.0 不支持.


    3. NT WS map a network drive 到NT server (sales)的report 文件夹, sales通过internet 互联,


    B. //




    4. NT WS 3.51升级到4.0 在单HPFS下.

    A. convert to NTFS, 升级

    B. convert to FAT.

    C. 升级再convert to NTFS

    D. 升级不动HPFS.


    5. Multilink enabled for 3 modems in NT WS, RAS server用call back,有何影响.

    A. RAS的server can call back all 3 modems.

    B. NT WS 自动联3个modem after call back.

    C. use a separate phonebook entry for each modem.

    D. 不能用multilink.


    6. 安NT WS 无网卡, 但需配置协议.

    A. select MS loopback adpatic, binding 协议到网卡.

    C. select generic NE 2000, ignore any error.


    7. 装了不对的网卡 driver, 出现blank blue screen without text.

    A. Restore registry using ER disk.

    B. using last known good.





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