
来源:工商管理硕士(MBA)    发布时间:2012-07-13    工商管理硕士(MBA)辅导视频    评论

Section Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(40 %)
Part A
Directions: Read the following 5 passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A,B,C,orD.Mask your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
Questions 36 to 39 are based on the following passage:
It was inevitable: in the rapidly shrinking world of global entertainment, Hollywood was destined to discover Hong Kong. Can a vampire resist fresh blood? Can an industry that always goes where the action is turn its back on an industry whose products are even more thrill-happy than its own? And Hong Kong , the second largest exporter of movies in the world, has been churning out (大批而廉价的造出) some of the most exuberant mayhem since Bruce Lee.
Last week the $ 60 million action film Broken Arrow with John Travolta and Christian Slater opened. It was directed by John Woo, revered for his explosions of violence in hilarious Hong Kong movies. Next week New Line will release an English-language version of Rumble in the Bronx, starring Jackie Chan, whose comic action adventures have made him probably the world’s most popular star.
Hong Kong's move into Hollywood is an economic marriage of sorts(差劲的). It comes just in time for the British colony. Cinema in Hong Kong is in serious decline-----ticket sales for locally made movies have plummeted(大坡度落下) 30 percent since 1992. Local audiences have become fed up with a flood of low quality productions. Unlike Chan’s movies, made on sizable budgets over a period of six or eight months, many of Hong Kong’s 200 movies a year are made in a little more than a month, with no regard to plausibility or continuity. “Now Asian, Chinese people don’t like Hong Kong movies anymore.” Chan complains, “A hundred moviemakers doing the same thing. Very quick. Quick money. They are not looking for a new road. The audience want to see Western movie.”
This makes Hollywood very tempting-----for the select few who can succeed here. As for what Hollywood gets out of Hong Kong, the biggest economic incentive may be low costs. In addition to delivering cheap thrills, Hong Kong directors have endeared themselves to U.S. studios by working fast and spending little. That’s a refreshing change form profligate(奢侈的) U.S. productions. Then there is the increasing internationalization of Hollywood’s audience: by some estimates, three quarters of an American film’s box-office take will come from outside the United States by the next century. For U.S. studio chiefs, that alone makes it worthwhile to find a non American sensibility for the director’s chair.
Is America ready for this Asian infusion? On college campuses and big cities, where festivals of Hong Kong cinema draw big crowds, it is a sign of hipness (时髦) to toss around such action-star names as Chan and Chow Yun-fat. Whether these Hong Kong talents can succeed in Hollywood is unclear, but the Hong Kong style has already arrived. Latest Hollywood movies show certain Hong Kong characteristics, while John woo boasts that the models for his movies are Hollywood directors Martin Scorsese and Sam Pechinpah. Thus Hollywood is importing guys to do U.S. versions of Hong Kong visions inspired by Hollywood movies in the first place. Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?
The irony deepens when you watch Woo's movie Broken Arrow. Dumb, sometimes exciting, it may well be Woo’s first big American commercial hit. But the Woo signature has been erased, anonymous Hollywood clone, and his future here seems secured. But will Woo ever be Woo again?
36.According to the passage, Hong Kong
A. is the largest exporter of movies in the world.
B. Is the second largest exporter of movies in the world?
C. Is the second largest importer of movies in the world?
D. beats Hollywood in the rapidly shrinking world of global entertainment.
37.Hollywood appeals to Hong Kong talents because
A. cinema in Hong Kong is in serious decline.
B. Local audiences want Hong Kong stars to take over Hollywood.
C. Hollywood movies can be made in less than a month.
D. Hollywood offers them a better chance to succeed.
38.The biggest attraction of Hong Kong to Hollywood is
A. the internationalization of Hollywood’s audience.
B. the low costs of Hong Kong made movies.
C. the speed of Hong Kong directors.
D. the popularity of Hong Kong movie stars
39.What can be inferred from the last Paragraph of the article?
A. John Woo will never be called John Woo again.
B. John Woo's first big American commercial hit is dumb and sometimes exciting.
C. Woo's movie Broken Arrow is an irony.
D. Woo succeeds in Hollywood at the cost of losing his own style.



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